Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our first visit to the Pumpkin Patch

You know you're definitely a parent when you find yourselves at a pumkin patch, surrounded by children screaming in delight, parents following closely behing with cameras, and you are right there in the mix of it all..
Mommy: "Should we get pictures of Mya in the pumkins?

"Should we get pictures of Mya in the corn?" 

"Should we get pictures of Mya with the cow?" (the cow didn't cooperate and left Mya standing on her own...)

"Should we get pictures of Mya AND Mads in the pumpkins?"

Should we stick Mya's face through the funny witch thingy?

So we left the pumpkin patch feeling like we had just moved through some parental milestone.  I can see us now every year, watching Mya grow and thinking how little she was the year before.  "Remember when we stuck her in the pumpkin patch with Mads?" We'll say as we watch them run around together....  I know next year will be here before we know it so for now I am content with our first visit to the pumpkin patch.
Thanks Jayme, Mads and David for the company on this new parent adventure we are on.

Mya and David
         Mads, Jayme and David (Sorry David, but this was so cute of them even if you weren't looking!)

1 comment:

  1. Ain't that truth! Add apple picking, Christmas tree picking, seeing your first Sesame Street Live show...well, the list can go on about how life changes as a parent! But in the best possible way! I say Parenthood is the coolest club on the planet!
