Monday, December 7, 2009

All I want for Christmas is Teeth...

SO, Mya, at 10 months old, finally got her first tooth.  On November 7th as Paul was changing her he noticed that she had a big white tooth sticking out of her gum.  It was her top left tooth.  I was in MA at the time, so I was both excited and sad about the first tooth(since I technically missed it).  We were both so impressed as she had had no major symptoms besides a little drooling and putting everything in her mouth,  but don't all babies do that anyways?  We bravely thought that this whole "teething" thing might just be a "piece of cake." What have all those people been talking about we wondered?  WELL, a few days later, when 5 other teeth started all coming in all at once, we began to find out.  Our sweet natured, laughing and smiling at all times chid, suddenly became cranky, fussy and what we like to call a velcro baby.  Velcro Baby appears any time Mya doesn't feel well, is tired, or is getting another tooth!  Thankfully, for me, velcro baby usually happens to Paul.  Mya is a Daddy's Girl already through and through, and so most of her velcro baby times are spent velcroed to daddy, which gives mommy some free time. :) This is not to say that I have never been the one she is velcroed to, however, 9 times out of 10, it's all about Daddy.  In fact her first phrase, that she started saying a few weeks ago is "Where's Daddy."  AND, even though I know most kids say Daddy or DaDa first because it is the first and easiest sound for them to make, Mya definitely says Daddy and DaDa in direct relation to Paul, she knows who he is and has for at  least the past two months!  She also says Mama, however, much less frequently and when I say Mama to her she often responds enthusiastically with DaDa DaDa DaDa!...

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